Arrivals File

An Arrivals file is a spreadsheet (.wk1 or .xls format only) file containing arrival information normally specified in the Arrival Editor. One or more arrival files may be defined and referenced in the External Files Editor. Arrival files are automatically read in following the reading of the Arrival Editor data. The column entries must be as follows:

Column Data

A Entity name

B Location name

C Quantity per arrival

D Time of first arrival

E Number of arrivals

F Frequency of arrivals

G through... Attribute assignments

Columns A through F may have any heading desired as long as the data is of the proper type. If attributes are to be assigned, columns G and higher should have headings that match the names of the attributes being assigned. The following example illustrates these points.



The values in the spreadsheet cells must be a numeric expression as opposed to a formula commonly used in spreadsheets. For example, if cell E4 in the spreadsheet above was actually a formula generating the value 100, the value ProModel generates is zero. ProModel only recognizes expressions for the Qty, Time, Number, and Frequency columns in a spreadsheet.

When defining an External Arrivals File, you do not need to define arrivals in the Arrivals edit table. If several entities are scheduled to arrive at the same time, entities arrive in the system according to the order in which they appear in the arrival list. However, when there is more than one occurrence for the arrival record, the next entity will not arrive until the frequency has elapsed. Meanwhile, other entities listed below the record may be allowed to arrive.

Please note

If the time of the first arrival is zero and there is only one arrival of some quantity, you do not need to complete additional cells. Likewise, if there is only one arrival at a time other than zero, you do not need to fill in additional cells after the Time entry.

Please note

If the .wk1 or .xls file contains more than one sheet of data, only the first sheet will be read in.